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low res download area

please log in



For a log in you need a password and username.

Please send a short email to info@michael-peuckert.com

As soon as you are logged in you could search for pictures - currently subdivided into categories. The category "Plants" mostly include pictures of the chosen plant as well as additional harvest and processing subjects.

Beside each picture you will find a short description, first in German, then (mostly) in Englisch.

All files are available to download with a light copyright mark. If you would like to have the high res files and a price calculation please send me a short email with information of intended usage, size of the printed pictures, circulation of the medium, period and area of usage.

If you have any problem in finding pictures or if you would like to know if there are similar pictures (mostly there are) please get in contact with me.

Thank you very much!

Michael Peuckert